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Springdale's Premier Paint Polishing

Get ready to transform your car's paint with a one step paint correction! This quick and easy process uses a special compound to remove minor imperfections and leave your car with a smooth, shiny finish.


Is your car's paint looking dull and damaged? One simple solution to restore your paint's original shine is a 1-step paint correction. This process uses a specialized polishing compound and machine polisher to remove up to 80% of minor imperfections, like swirl marks and light scratches.


What is a 1 Step Paint Correction?

A 1-step paint correction is a quick and easy process that can be done in just a few hours. Unlike multi-step paint correction processes, which can take a full day to complete, a 1-step correction is a fast solution to restore your car's paint. This process involves using a machine polisher and a specialized polishing compound to remove a small amount of the clear coat from your car's paint.

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Compared to multi-step paint correction processes, a one step correction is quicker and requires less time to complete, making it a popular choice among car owners.

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 1-step corrections are less expensive than multi-step paint corrections, making them a budget-friendly solution to restore your car's paint.

Improved Appearance


 With a 1-step paint correction, your car's paint will look like new again, with a shiny and smooth finish that hides minor imperfections.

This is an excellent option for vehicle owners who wish to rejuvenate their vehicle's shine without committing to a full-scale restoration like our Level 2 paint correction service.

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Our Process


Clean Wheels and Tires

Begin by cleaning the wheels, tires, and fenders of your vehicle using specialty brushes to ensure all areas are reached and thoroughly cleaned.


Chemically remove Iron Particles

Use a chemical Iron Decontamination to remove iron particles from the surface to prevent corrosive compounds from damaging your paint.


Tape Off Sensitive Areas

To protect sensitive areas like the plastic trim, tape them off to decrease the chance of polish buildup or staining.


Surface Wipe Down

After polishing, wipe down the vehicle with polish remover to inspect the paint and assess its true condition.


Dress Tires

Apply a tire dressing for a nice matte finish


Hand Wash

Give your vehicle a thorough hand wash, including cleaning the door jambs, gas cap, and bug guts/droppings


Clay Bar Treatment

Manual clay bar treatment to remove any remaining embedded dirt and debris from your surface leaving the paint clean and smooth


Polishing Phase

The next step is the polishing phase. Polish the paint to increase shine, clarity, and remove any minor imperfections.


Paint Protection

Apply a protective coating to the paint to add shine, depth, and protection. Check out our ceramic coatings page to learn more


Wipe Down Glass

Clean side mirrors, windows and windshield using streak free glass clean


Touch Ups

Finally, touch up any detailed areas like the emblem, exhaust, grille, and other small areas that may need attention.



Paint Correction Pricing

Price is based on size, condition, and type of clear coat. Prices shown below are general ranges. Contact us for more info.

Ask about our Ceramic Coatings (2,4,7,9 Years)


(Miata/Mini Cooper)








Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer ceramic coatings?

You bet we do! Our ceramic coating services are available in 2-year, 4-year, 7-year and 9-year options, at an additional cost, each with a separate price. Alternatively, you can opt for our more affordable spray coating option.

How long does paint correction take and how much does it cost?

The time and cost of paint correction depend on the extent of the damage, size and type of clear coat. A professional can usually complete this process in a day or two, and the cost can range from $500-$1500 (Ask about Boat/RV prices) Schedule a consultation

What’s the difference between your Level 1 and Level 2 paint correction?

Our Level 1 paint polishing will remove 60 to 80% of minor imperfections in your paint.
Level 2 paint correction removes around 90% of the minor imperfections in your paint.

At our shop, we offer both Level 1 and Level 2 paint correction services. Level 1 is a good option for most vehicles, while Level 2 is recommended for those who want the most comprehensive results.

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